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A New High Resolution Coastal Land Cover for the Nation
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When: Tuesday, December 10. 2023
2 PM Eastern/1 PM Central/12 noon ountain/11AM Pacific
Where: Virtual
United States
Contact: Danielle Giza

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Current, accurate land cover is a common foundational data set used in support of a wide range of applications.  Knowing what exists on the ground and how it has changed through time gives planners more information to better address issues from flooding risk, to policy evaluation, and land use planning. For more than two decades, NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management has been producing consistent, accurate land cover and change information through its Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP). While past data was developed at a 30-meter spatial resolution (using Landsat imagery) OCM has been moving towards a higher resolution land cover. Data that could be used for site-specific applications and decision making at a more local level.

In January of 2024 NOAA released the first phase of a new high resolution (1-meter) C-CAP land cover. This presentation will review these products, how AI technology has facilitated their production, and the work that is now being done to build that foundation into a next generation coastal land cover nationally.

Speaker: Nate Herold, Physical Scientist and Coastal Change Analysis Program Manager, NOAA Office for Coastal Management 

Moderator: Norman S. Levine, Ph.D., Professor of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Director: Santee Cooper GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory & The Lowcountry Hazards Center, South Carolina Earthquake Education Preparedness Program


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