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Advanced GIS Leadership Academy
advanced GIS Leadership Academy
Did attending the GIS Leadership Academy inspire you to learn more?

The Advanced GIS Leadership Academy is the next step for geospatial professionals - from all disciplines - who are looking to improve their leadership skills and guide their organizations to geospatial excellence.

The GIS Leadership Academy has been presented regularly since 2007. Nearly 2,000 individuals have attended. Some have attended two or three times as their circumstances (a new employer or promotion perhaps) have changed! Regularly receiving five-star reviews from attendees, the training program has grown through word-of-mouth recommendations. Some organizations include the GLA as a key part of their staff development and retention plans. 

After much discussion and planning, we are pleased to introduce the Advanced GIS Leadership Academy (AGLA) designed for those who have attended the GLA and are ready for more. 

The inaugural Advanced GIS Leadership Academy took place in Chicago and was a hit! This year's AGLA will take place November 3-7, 2025 in New Orleans.

  • Continue developing your leadership skills.

  • Delve deeper into the topics introduced in the GLA.
  • Get hands-on real-world experience and learn about the tools you need to launch your organization's geospatial success story!
  • Many GLA graduates have been waiting for this opportunity and we expect to reach capacity quickly. 
  • Attendance at the AGLA earns substantial GISP® Education Points.

Why Attend?

Demonstrate your organization's commitment to professional development for GIS leaders by sponsoring the Advanced GIS Leadership Academy. Contact Wendy Nelson if your organization is interested in supporting this phenomenal program. Consider a refreshment break or networking reception sponsorship!

Venue & Travel

The AGLA will take place at the International House Hotel (221 Camp Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130). GPN has negotiated a group sleeping room rate of only $199. The group rate will be available until October 2, 2025 or until the block has been depleted (whichever comes first). 

International House is located two blocks from the French Quarter, in the historic Central Business District. From a perfect location and amazing architecture to Banksy artwork and iconic dining, this boutique hotel is a 'destination in itself'. Check out some of the hotel's highlightsMake your plans early, as the word is out about the AGLA in NOLA!

hotel reservation link 

We're looking forward to sharing this new leadership program with you for years to come!

Inaugural AGLA Graduates
(Chicago - August 2024)

 Meet the Facilitators & Organizing Committee

Our facilitators, all GISPs, are experienced GIS professionals who have successfully navigated the challenges of increased leadership and management responsibilities in a technical field. They are veteran GLA faculty members who have continued to advance in their careers and are passionate about supporting the community. Learn more about this program, how it differs from the GLA you already attended, and what to expect. Hear directly from the AGLA facilitators - a GIS "Dream Team" - who have collaborated to develop the much-anticipated program during this open session. Meet the AGLA Facilitators.