Professional Education Committee |
Professional Education CommitteeURISA's professional education committee is mission-driven and productive!The Committee coordinates and encourages the development and maintenance of URISA-approved professional educational content and materials to grow the profession and support geospatial professionals at all stages of their careers. The committee establishes guidelines and processes for the development, review, and publication of webinars, panels, podcasts, workshops, whitepapers, fact sheets, and other forms of content. PEC ensures that these materials are developed and presented in accordance with URISA policies, membership interests, and Board strategic goals. The committee coordinates the URISA portfolio of educational materials, identifying gaps, resolving overlaps, and assessing balance. The PEC current currently has over a dozen active workgroups that are creating content. Workgroup topics include guidance for young professionals, preparing for GISP certification, social justice and GIS, GIS and Ethics, NextGen911, GIS management, and more. We are always seeking new ideas that fit within URISA’s mission. The PEC Strategic Operations Team (SOT) meets monthly to share the progress of the workgroups and discuss new initiatives that align with the mission of URISA. PEC is constantly producing new educational products and is always seeking volunteers interested in furthering its goal to support the GIS profession. Most of our work involves content development, review and presentation. Time commitments can range from an hour to many days depending on your interests and availability. Is there some other topic that you know about and that you are willing to help us inform others about? Do you like to write material, review material others have written or present to others? If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions, we want to hear from you now and request your reach out to our PEC Chair to express your interest! If you are interested in contributing but not sure how, watch URISA Connect for opportunities to contribute to specific products. |
1/1/2025 » 2/15/2025
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2025 LEAP Virtual Conference Sponsor & Supporting Partner